208-324-8099 jeff@ihfh.org


News & Events

Hunt Idaho EXPO 2017

Hunt / Fish Idaho EXPO 2017 Connecting Mountains to Meals Topics to prepare you for your next adventure. Friday August 25th 2pm-7pm Lewis-Clark wildlife club shooting range near Lapwai & Saturday, August 26th 8am-4pm Lewiston IDFG regional office 3316 16th St....

Hunt Idaho EXPO 2016

Connecting Mountains to Meals Topics to prepare YOU for your hunting adventure. Our Hunt Idaho EXPO will feature hunting workshops that go beyond hunter education to prepare you for the field! Workshops for all ages! Workshops include: • Hunting techniques &...

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation – Events

Our friends over at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation hold many events throughout the year. Many of the events help raise money and many are informative. Be sure to check out all the Idaho events they have scheduled. Click the link below to view all the events....

Get In Touch With Us

7 + 10 =

Help IHFH Feed the Hungry. We are accepting meat donations as well as money donations to help pay for the processing of donated wild game and we need your support.