208-324-8099 jeff@ihfh.org


Meat Donations

To ensure that we are making responsible use of the recreational activity of hunting as well as making a positive difference in the lives of hungry people. Please consider donating all or a portion of your big game harvest. Every little bit helps! Before donating please take note of the following guidelines.

Meat Acceptance Guidelines

  • Only big game meat that has been processed by an affiliate butcher shop can be accepted.
  • Please only donate meat that you would feed your family and friends.
    Road kill and improperly handled game can not be accepted due to possible contamination.
  • If you are not donating a whole deer or elk, please consider donating a few pounds! (Every little bit helps!)
  • Use care to properly field dress all game and deliver them promptly to the butcher shop.

Food Safety Procedures


  • Determine that the animal appears to be healthy, and does not exhibit obvious signs of illness.
  • Field dress the animal well and within an hour of harvest.
  • Cut the carcass into quarters if needed.
  • Chill the meat as quickly as possible to refrigeration temperatures.


  • Protect the meat from contamination during transport by cover and separation from non-food items.
  • Maintain the meat as close to refrigeration temperatures as possible.

Meat Processor Guidelines

The game meat must have been processed by:

  • A facility that is subject to inspection by the regulatory authority with jurisdiction over meat products;
  • The facility packages the game meat into portions that require no further processing or cutting by the food bank or food pantry; and.

The meat must be labeled by the processor with the following:

  • Species identification;
  • The name and address of the meat processing facility; and
  • The words “Processed for Donation or Private Use” and “Cook to 165° F.”

Please refer to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Food Safety & Sanitation code IDAPA 16.02.19

Donation of Freezer Meat

Magic Valley Region only.

Hunter brings in frozen, legally harvested antelope, deer, elk, or moose (meat) to approved processor. In Magic Valley use Scarrow’s Meats, High Desert Meats, or B & L Meats. Hunter completes Donation Form – Proxy Statement. Processor thaws meat, inspects for quality then grinds into 1 pound packages and freezes.

Hunters please only provide meat that you would eat and consider donating $50.00 to IHFH to help offset the cost of processing.

Idaho Hunters Feeding the Hungry is primarily supported by hunters that donate $1.00 when they purchase a hunting license. That $1.00 pays for the protein portion of 3 or 4 meals for the hungry in your community.

Funds for processor reimbursement is limited by donations received. IHFH cannot guarantee reimbursement and will use its best efforts to notify processor when funds are depleted for the year.

If you have questions, please call 208-324-8099

Meat Processors

Click on any of the Idaho Regions listed below to view the meat processors in that area:

Panhandle Region

South Hills Meat Locker
6891 South Main
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
*Hide must be removed

Upper Snake Region

Ball Storage & Ice
625 Pancheri Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402

Clearwater Region

4 Frendz Meat Market
1342 Bridge Street
Clarkston, WA 99403

Pottenger’s Wild Game Processing
7011 Highway 95 South
Riggins, Idaho 83549
(208) 628-3280
(208) 509-0947

Salmon Region

Pete’s Custom Meats Inc.
107 South Vasil Street
Salmon, ID 83467
– Maximum of 10 animals will be processed in 2021

Magic Valley Region

High Desert Meat Processing
1770 Eldridge Ave
Twin Falls, ID 83301

Scarrow’s Meats
331 North Road
Jerome, ID 83338

B & L Custom Meats
1208 Main Street
Buhl, ID 83316

Piper’s Custom Meats
185 North Main Street
Richfield, ID 83349
*Hide must be removed

Southwest Region / McCall

Willey’s Custom Meats
104 Taylor Street
New Meadows, ID 83654
– Maximum of 10 animals will be processed in 2021

Pottenger’s Wild Game Processing
7011 Highway 95 South
Riggins, Idaho 83549
(208) 628-3280
(208) 509-0947

Southeast Region

Del Monte Meats
808 West Center Street
Pocatello, Idaho 83204

Del Monte Custom Pack
3080 North Main
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Get In Touch With Us

12 + 2 =

Help IHFH Feed the Hungry. We are accepting meat donations as well as money donations to help pay for the processing of donated wild game and we need your support.